The Secret Sauce of Teams: Decoding Tendencies, Strengths, and Personalities

I’ve been doing some thinking and seeking out research on how individual strengths and tendencies start to combine and show up as team/organizational personalities and values.

Some of the questions rolling around in my mind have included:

  • Do organizations lean toward one of the four tendencies from Gretchen Rubin’s framework to meet expectations?

  • Are some teams more introverted – needing time alone to recharge/work – while other teams are more naturally extroverted and draw energy and work better together?

  • While organizations need to execute, influence, build relationships, and think strategically, do they lean towards one or more of the four Clifton Strengths’ domains?

  • What does the Motivation Code of a team look like?

  • What is their work Love Language?

  • And the list could go on.

I wonder what would happen if companies started to weave these qualities into their mission statements and cultural values. Maybe candidates would know if they were a right fit for the company. Maybe supplier contracts could be vetted for success and challenges in a new way. Maybe this insight could make employees happier and companies more successful as a result.

The sections below dive into a few of the insights I’ve gained as I dig into the questions above.


Gretchen Rubin developed the four tendencies as a framework for how we meet expectations. The four are driven by meeting inner expectations (our expectations of ourselves) and outer expectations (things others – boss, spouse, children, neighbor, etc. – expect of us). These expectations influence how people approach tasks, meet deadlines, and collaborate with others.

The Four Tendencies:

  • Upholders – They meet both inner and outer expectations (highly dependable and self-disciplined).

  • Obligers – They meet outer expectations and struggle with inner expectations (excel in structured environments with clear deadlines).

  • Questioners – They meet inner expectations but need rationale for outer expectations (value autonomy and understanding the “why” behind tasks).

  • Rebels – They resist both inner and outer expectations (often creative and independent thinkers, but may challenge authority).

Team dynamics can be significantly impacted by the mix tendencies within a group. Teams of Obligers might be great in customer service or client relationships. Teams of questioners might work well on a project that rethinks the status quo. Upholders could fit well in a high-pressure role as they aren’t going to give up their inner needs and can set boundaries for all the external pressures. Rebels would potentially have unique and unconventional ideas to solve problems and make great strategists, but stain against imposed constraints.

While historically applied to individuals, what if organizations exhibit tendencies as well? By analyzing your workforce through the Four Tendencies lens, you can gain valuable insights into their motivational factors, communication styles, and collaboration strategies.

Where does your current workforce fit? In order for your company to meet its goals, do you need to prioritize attracting other tendencies?


Clifton Strengths can also offer valuable insights into an organization’s overall tendencies. These strengths are categorized into four domains – Executing, Influencing, Relationship Building, and Strategic Thinking (Gallup). Observation suggests that teams often gravitate towards specific domains based on their function. For example, the strategy team might be high on Strategic Thinking themes while project management might have a higher percentage of Executing themes.

Can we extend this concept to the entire organization? The dominant domain might be influenced by the strengths of the CEO, leadership team, or even the majority of the workforce. This raises an interesting question: Do your internal processes cater equally to all Clifton Strength domains? For instance, a company heavily weighted towards Executing strengths might have highly efficient systems but lack opportunities for creative problem-solving. Recognizing these imbalances can help organizations create a more well-rounded environment that fosters the strengths of all employees.


Considering the introversion or extroversion spectrum of your organization can also be beneficial. Extroverted teams often flourish in collaborative environments with frequent meetings and brainstorming sessions, drawing energy from group interaction (Society for Human Resource Management). This approach, however, can be draining for introverted team members who thrive with dedicated quiet time for focused work and individual reflection (Psychology Today).

Think about how your organization is currently structured and what culture you are creating with required “Happy hours” and back-to-back meetings. To get the most out of your workforce create a culture that prioritizes both ways of working. For example, you can introduce regular, concise status meetings combined with periods of uninterrupted work time. Ultimately, it’s not just about being “social” it’s about understanding how different individuals and teams function best to achieve optimal productivity and well-being.

What other values can the company prioritize that shows its commitment to both ways of working?


Understanding the tendencies and approaches of both your team and organization can facilitate smoother collaboration, enabling individuals to navigate norms effectively and discern when and how to challenge them constructively.

Whether seeking new employment opportunities internally or externally, evaluating the personality and working style of the group can provide valuable insights into potential fit and compatibility. This consideration is equally essential when making hiring decisions, as aligning candidates with the organization’s culture and dynamics can foster greater cohesion and productivity within the team.

If this seems daunting, or you have never considered the dynamics of your team or company before, remember that help is available. Schedule a free consultation and we can explore strategies to enhance performance.


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